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Lloyds Emotion Experience

What matters to you in a career?

The Lloyds Emotion Experience is a visitor experience designed for Lloyds Banking Group in collaboration with the design agency Experience Events Ltd. The target audience were prospective employees of the bank. I was responsible for all wearable tech and related UI coding for this project. A galvanic skin response sensor was used to measure the amplitude of visitor’s emotional reaction to stimuli. The stimuli consisted of various career related short clips, icons and keywords and was shown for 90 sec on an immersive video headset featuring 55 degree field of view, equivalent to a 125” screen.

Careers worth discovering

The 90 sec was broken into sections, each one showing stimuli representing one of eight features of a career at Lloyds:


Making your choices,

Being challenged,

Developing skills of a lifetime,

Collaborative culture,

Transforming the world,

Making an impact,

Giving back.

The Lloyds Emotion Experience at various venues across the UK

At the end of the 90 sec stimuli, a graph was plotted with the visitor’s GSR data broken into the eight sections across the timeline. As well, the three highest GSR points that fall into three different sections were highlighted.

This gave the facilitator an opportunity to initiate a discussion around those points with the prospective employee seeing that it is likely that if the experience took place in a controlled environment designed for a GSR test, the highlighted points could be what matters to the individual in a career the most. The purpose of this particular experience was to showcase Lloyds’ commitment to its employees’ growth and its investment into cutting edge technology. Therefore, it was used as a discussion initiator, with the GSR as customised conversation tool, more so than a scientific experiment.

*This project is still on tour during the coming months.

UX/UI Design

The user interface runs on two kernels and uses two separate Wolfram Mathematica (programming platform) notebooks: “Plot_Only” and “Main_Interface”. The GSR sensor used was Neulog Galvanic Skin Response Sensor. The Plot_Only notebook connects to the GSR sensor using HTTP protocol and saves the GSR data to a .txt file with timestamp. At the same time the Plot_Only plots the GSR data as a live graph. This live graph is displayed as a full screen window throughout the entire duration of the visitor experience.

Programming using Wolfram Mathematica

The “Main_Interface” notebook contains code for the main user interface from which to launch the experience anew for each visitor and display their GSR results. As can be seen below, there is a “WATCH VIDEO” button that launches the 90 sec stimuli video. The video plays on an external monitor (Vizux headset) using the player specified in the code. The button also runs a code that tells the program to 1. mark this start time, and 2. count down to 0 from 90 in seconds and display the remaining seconds as text on the main interface as a counter. The counter informs the event facilitator how much time is left before the stimuli finishes showing on the external monitor (the headset).

There is also a “YOUR RESULTS” button that when clicked plots 90 seconds worth of GSR data from the time that was marked when “WATCH VIDEO” was clicked. The plot function displays the GSR data as broken into eight sections across the timeline of the video, while highlighting the three highest GSR points that fall into three different sections.

GSR.txt file always updating with live data
Plot_Only live GSR graph window
Main interface

There are three windows in total: main interface window, live graph window and results graph window. All three have an exit button (X) at the top right corner which closes the windows.

The main interface and live graph windows are always on. The facilitator is able to switch back and forth between these two windows by using the shortcut S+Alt specified in the code. This piece of code uses the Auto Hot Key software (open-source custom scripting language) to run. In addition, a LIVE button in the bottom right corner of the main interface takes the facilitator to the live graph window and a MAIN button on the live graph window takes them back to the main interface window.
The LIVE window also shows real-time date and time at the top of the live graph to indicate to passersby that the graph is responding to live input. Lastly, the counter on the MAIN window appears only when WATCH VIDEO has been clicked, and once it finishes counting down to 0, it disappears, to wait for the next click. This way the interface design is kept clean and minimal.

Plotted GSR graph, duration: 90 sec
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