This week we spent time unpacking our domain and topics of interest. On Thursday we specifically looked at one question to understand it better by letting everybody else comment on the things they wanted clarification on and also give ideas on. The question I chose was:
Part 1
I am studying universal design principles for AR/VR/XR...
Part 2
Because I want to find out what affordances textiles can bring to creating more accessible, close to real interactions in the virtual (or augmented) world...
Part 3
In order to help my reader understand the value of textiles.
Are there likewise universal design principles for textile/garment making?
- I would say yes. I think considering people with different body shapes, different skin tone and different abilities, there are universal guidelines emerging that work better for everyone. These include garments that can be put on from front to back which are ideal for wheelchair users but also ideal for anyone who wishes to don on a garment without struggling to, for example, find the sleeve that they can't see.
Each of these media can have its own set of principles - Yes, and I am not trying to generalize across all of them. Through experimentation, I am hoping I would be able to discover an aspect that works really well, or is fundamental, to how one or more of these media work for people.
Are there such things as universal design principles for anything? - I would say that there are better principles for designing that work for more diverse body of users. We often call them universal principles, but perhaps nothing in this world can be universal.
Do you think XR design principles is part of the overarching UX/UI systems that’s heavily influenced by apps? - I think so.
Can textiles make for more comfortable headset gear?
- Yes, and also textiles could potentially make a virtual experience more embodied because they [can] comfortably sit very close to the body.
Why reality and real-world experience? If you have VR which can build the opposite of the reality? - To experience VR as a more embodied experience involving more of our senses, in particular touch.
Why does the affordance need to be ‘close to real’?
- To experience VR as a more embodied experience involving more of our senses, in particular touch.
Define the ‘real’?
- In this case, real is associated with engaging more of our senses.
What about the virtual augmented world is not real?
- Perhaps, 'not real' is not the case. I wish to make the experience more embodied using more of our senses.
How is textile and XR connected? Tangible vs intangible? - Yes.
Are you trying to use textiles as a standing for ‘craft’, if so why?
- Yes, and it is also vice versa. By craft, I mean the textiles. I am specifically exploring textiles and describing textiles as a type of craft, because the word craft inevitably relates to craftsmanship which is about labour and skills. Labour and skills are topics that are highly relevant in the context of labour exploitation in the textile industry.
Textiles are used for so many applications. Are we talking about fashion?
- The final crafted object using textile craft could be a fashion artifact.
In what can AR/VR/XR augment the importance of textiles? - Crafting in VR using real physical labour could draw attention to the importance of textiles, specifically the skills that were lost due to mass production and cost savings, and the hard labour associated with textiles that often pays below living wage to those in developing countries.
What do you mean by value? Material? Emotional? Monetary?
- Mostly the cultural and socio-economic value of textile craft. But if we break these down, yes, there are emotional and material values that we have to discuss.
For value, do you mean the hand feel textile give us or the feeling of creating textile? - They are both included in determining the value as both relate to culture-making.
Are you thinking of textiles as objects, as a process, as cultural artifacts?
- All.
Overall, the exercise has been extremely useful in clarifying my intents and defining some of the concepts I am using better. Moving forward, it would be useful to be more specific about the textile craft/s I am concerned for and study it history to extract what value it brings to our culture, or brought to our culture, and why we need to use its affordances in AR, VR or XR now. Am I really trying to say we should value the skills and labour associated with these textile techniques or am I simply trying to find universal design principles using the affordance of textiles as my starting point to do so?
Is this a user interface design project for AR/VR/XR or is it about textile-specific craftsmanship? If it is about user interface design, why restrict myself to only textile crafts? For example, there is probably a lot I can learn from pottery about how people use their hands and what is more intuitive to the hands, too?